Friday, October 22, 2010


It's amazing how a little change in configuration, a tiny display of shades of white or yellow can lead to the perfect expression of happiness and the same being the origin of an ultimate expression of unhappiness.


A: Let's pretend we never fell in love, like we did when we were in love.

A2: Pretend to fall out of love; a love we never fell in.

A: Let's pretend to pretend and let them assume.

A2: Please, do!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This will happen one day. Not 'literally' of course, but it will.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Though the whole universe be darkened,
You’d fight for my rainbows,
You’d fight for my sky.
The sheath of love, the invisible armor that I wore
Gone you are, and I find it no more
A pause, is all there is.

You caress your pounding heart
Like a child, you show it dreams.
Now you see the fairy tales,
The witches on brooms, the men in capes
What there is, and what there was
He showed me none, he showed me good.

Still I have a sea of them,
Shoulders, eyes and loving hands
The warmth no more, the trust no more
A pause, is all there is.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


A: This is so..glug


A: Glug..did you make..glug

Me: ...please..

A: Glug glug glug

Me: ..not me..

A: Ah!..glug glug glug glug..more?

Me: Sure.


There was lots of white foam with streaks of red in it, coming out of his mouth as he slowly became unconscious..probably for good.

A: (to all) I always wanted him to listen to me more.