This is what the utter desperation to study in the US, or more precisely at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa state, United State of America has done to me! After days of bullying from the examination department of my own university I finally got my transcripts verified and sent to UIowa and submitted my online application on 21st December. From that time onward, my life is a miserable wretch of echoing you'll hear from us soon, we're in the midst of review, soon and very soon. Yesterday I was told by one of the professors that they had already started interviewing the domestic candidates and were still in the midst of choosing the international applicants to be interviewed and I'll hear from them very soon. Are they just being nice and don't want to make me sad? It sounds dumb and funny but I really think they're being nice and keeping the 'fishy something' from me. :S
I want the whole wide world i.e., the new WWW, to pray for me. Not that I don't have faith in my own prayers, but still you never know..he he. Ph.D. and USA are the three lettered acronyms I desperately want..SOOOOON!! MOVE IT UIOWA!!
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Cheerio and Carry on!