Saturday, February 18, 2012

Metamorphosis of the elf

Close these eyes,
Shatter these dreams,
Scratch this skin,
Hide this smile,
Hurt these senses;
Until her shadow cries.


I may be a wicked elf,
But I have my dreams.
Kill me.
Don't wring my heart.
Crush my body to its smallest piece.
Don't let my passions die.
Let me hold these colors once;
Let me see the sky.
Let me love my dreams for a moment;
Before you take my hands away.


My fingers may be stubby,
My feet may be small.
I stand upright,
I do not crawl.



  1. I can see a reflection of me there!

    Keep writing :)

    Love from India,

  2. 'Let me hold these colors once;
    Let me see the sky.'



I appreciate comments but as i do not want anyone shitting in my blog so all comments are moderated.
Cheerio and Carry on!